Teen Success with Piano

Blue Ribbon winner April 2016, MTAC Contemporary Festival, MrEvan 's student 

 Teen Success at Piano...

 You're a parent. Your teen's been through several piano teachers. Your teen has learned some things, but the most important..being truly interested in music and the piano...he or she hasn't learned. Your teen's interest seems to be "dying on the vine". You're ready to give up, but something inside you is saying maybe there's an answer and you are searching. but what to do?  I can easily tell you. Let's discuss the reasons for this disinterest!

Teens require someone they respect to teach them mostly about anything at this point. They are demanding their parents "show me why" it's important. They're not willing to take someone's word any longer. Whatever it is that you are asking them to be committed to, they want to see it "in action" and make a judgement for themselves. Their expectation for a piano teacher requires someone committed to their work, lives their work, and believes in their work. Enthusiasm and example is infectious:)

Teens like the rest of us, are searching for meaning, purpose and happiness. Your teen is searching for someone who can show why it's worth doing. Teens need to know that spending time with the piano is time well spent -- and definitely not child's play. The teen must be given songs he or she can relate to.......as well as the rudiments of playing. Repertoire (songs) and the relationship with the teacher must be interesting and inspiring... or ...sayonara piano.

PART 2 - How to save thousands on Piano Lessons...

Why is it that so many teens and children lose interest before piano has truly ever been given a chance in their lives? Here is the reason... From long experience turning kids around from years of dull teaching and even masochistic drills, the answer lies in introducing piano with the right teacher to begin with. You can always tell whether you've hit the jackpot when your student is excited about learning. Yes there will be some ups and downs, but there nearly always should be a bright spot in the lessons showing the way like a light at the end of a forest. Deep unhappiness when your student is together with the teacher is a sign that you are with the wrong teacher. If your student isn't gung ho on piano, that's ok for the present, but they should be happy with some things they are doing.

A growing appreciation, a growing ability, and playing more interesting  and challenging pieces is what you need to see. A teacher needs to demonstrate in action how valuable piano
learning is. While it can't be overstated that a  piano teacher must have the qualities of being a good teacher and a good communicator, its genuinely ideal if the teacher plays not just well,but exceptionally well. Students respond to excellence in playing perhaps more than any single quality that a teacher might have.  This is true of all ages -- not just teens. The piano is capable of sublime, exquisite sound under skilled hands. More than any other single reason for practicing, students will go to great lengths and great amounts of time in practice to imitate the beautiful sound they hear....whether that be in Rock,  Jazz, Classical or any other style of piano. Exquisite musical sound is worth any amount of time working for.  As a parent or teacher that is the strongest card you can deal your teen student...the sound of great piano playing. Translation: Piano's worth doing.

As a further guide,  the relationship between the student and teacher is more than just the subject matter presented adequately.  The teacher must demonstrate this sound , then encourage the student to do the same and express who they are thru the music.  The bond between student and teacher is about the encouragement the student feels -- that the teacher is really
applauding them at a  deep level of expression and personal discovery and meaning with the sounds and music they make atthe piano.  That's why it helps if the teacher is a down to earth good communicator.  Ok - that's my two cents:)

